Primer Mercat de ceràmica i sanitari del món del món. Obteniu -ho a Google Play Obteniu -lo a App Store
Tipus de venda | Regular |
Categoria | rajoles de paret |
Tamany | 300 x 450 mm (12 x 18 polzades) |
Grau | Premium |
Funcions | Prova d'aigua,Lleugeresa,Fàcil de netejar |
Quantitat | Quantitat disponible segons el vostre requisit. |
Descripció | Wall tiles or dado tiles are the tiles that can be used for the wall. According to 'M L Gambhir and Neha Jamwal' (Author of a book called Building and Construction Materials: Testing and Quality Control), Wall tiles are mostly glazed tiles with a thin body used as a decorative material for building wall surfaces. |
+ Requirements